With the support of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney (HKETO), a young Hong Kong watercolour artist is painting pictures of future cities and space live for spectators at a Vivid Sydney event in the Chatswood district of Sydney, Australia. Vivid Sydney is the world's largest festival of light, music and ideas and is expected to attract about 2 million people this year.

In "Life in 2050" from 7pm to 10pm on June 7, Hong Kong watercolour artist Elaine Chiu delved into an exploration of future cities in her artworks created live. Visitors had the chance to see Chiu create giant scenes of mystifying cityscapes, capturing the heartbeat and hustle and bustle of cities. The creative and colourful painting was projected live onto the Anderson Street side of the Concourse in Chatswood, complementing the eclectic celebration of food, fashion, light, the planet and the cosmos.
Chiu will continue her live performance, enabling audiences to see the experience of making artwork from its inception to final creation, from 7pm to 10pm tonight (June 8) and on June 14 and 15, and from 5.30pm to 10.30pm on June 9 and June 16, the day when Vivid Sydney concludes this year.
A spokesman for the HKETO said today (June 8) that the HKETO was delighted to support this talented artist from Hong Kong to bring her art to life on such a huge scale right in front of the audience during Vivid Sydney at Chatswood - a prominent event that the local community loves.
"It is indeed a vivid demonstration of the capability of Hong Kong's home-grown emerging young artistic talent. This is also a great opportunity for Hong Kong's creative talent to gain practical experience by participating in a large-scale overseas event," the spokesman said.
"To consolidate Hong Kong's status as an international cultural metropolis and to create more opportunities for our young artists, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will continue to support them to perform and stage exhibitions outside Hong Kong to showcase the essence of Hong Kong arts," the spokesman added.
This is the first time that Chiu, a fine arts graduate from the University of Hong Kong, has brought her distinct style to Sydney. The emerging artist has exhibited in Hong Kong and various cities overseas, and has presented solo exhibitions in the past years. She also received a Talent Development Scholarship and a Reaching Out Award under the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Scholarship Fund in 2015-16.
Ends/Friday, June 8, 2018 Issued at HKT 15:35

香港年輕水彩畫家趙綺婷六月七日晚上七至十時,在車士活區名為「2050年的生活」(Life in 2050)的項目中,以探索未來都市為主題,即場創作水彩畫,為觀眾揭開未來都市的神秘面紗,讓他們感受城市的脈搏與熙熙攘攘。趙綺婷充滿創意、色彩繽紛的畫作投影到悉尼車士活大劇院的外牆上,為區內一系列燈光藝術和美食與時尚的組合添上色彩。
經貿處發言人今日(六月八日)說: 「經貿處十分高興能支持這位天才橫溢的香港畫家,於備受當地市民歡迎的『繽紛悉尼燈光音樂節』中,在廣大現場觀眾面前生動地描繪她的作品。」
經貿處發言人續說: 「為鞏固香港國際文化之都的地位,並協助本地年輕藝術家開創更多機會,香港特別行政區政府會繼續支持他們到香港以外的地方演出及舉辦展覽,展示香港藝術的精髓。」
2018年6月8日(星期五) 香港時間15時35分