Before Memories Expire 記憶若有限期 at JPS Gallery
06.05. - 06.06.2021
Elaine Chiu | Before Memories Expire
Opening: May 6, 2021
JPS Gallery | 218 Landmark Atrium, Hong Kong
The Memory Library, resembling a library archive, provides an intimate memory lane for viewers to retrieve pieces of memories, from the wall-hanging urban sketches by artist Elaine Chiu.
To Elaine, urban sketching serves as an integral part of her practice to gather audio, visual, and lighting impressions and interact with the community. Elaine likes to observe urban activities for an hour or two by sketching, building up her understanding of spatial relations, characteristics, and temperament of a particular district.
Local residents often stop by to watch and thereby participate in her sketching process. Each sketch thus represents a collective input for The Memory Library.
街坊通常會在畫家寫生過程之中,一同談天、逗留— 每一張寫生都是《回憶圖書館》中群策群力的回憶印證。